Ruth St in New Bedford
Click on a property below to view additional details.
Land - Integral Part Of Manufacturing Operation - 0 NS RUTH ST
Developable Residential Land - 0 NS RUTH ST
Vacant, Selectmen Or City Council (Municipal) - 0 NS RUTH ST
Auto Repair Facilities - 0 NS RUTH ST
Improved, Tax Title/treasurer - 0 NS RUTH ST
Developable Commercial Land - 0 R SS RUTH ST
Land - Integral Part Of Manufacturing Operation - 0 SS RUTH ST
Accessory Land With Improvement - 100 RUTH ST
Three-Family Residential - 102 RUTH ST
Developable Residential Land - 103 RUTH ST
Mixed Use (Primarily Residential, Some Commercial) - 106 RUTH ST
Three-Family Residential - 111 RUTH ST
Small Retail And Services Stores (Under 10,000 Sq. Ft.) - 115 RUTH ST
Three-Family Residential - 116 RUTH ST
Housing, Other (Charitable Org.) - 117 119 RUTH ST
Two-Family Residential - 12 RUTH ST
Housing Authority - 13 RUTH ST
Three-Family Residential - 133 RUTH ST
Mixed Use (Primarily Residential, Some Commercial) - 15 RUTH ST
Three-Family Residential - 19 RUTH ST
Three-Family Residential - 40 RUTH ST
Mixed Use (Primarily Residential, Some Commercial) - 53 RUTH ST
Apartments With Four To Eight Units - 59 RUTH ST
Three-Family Residential - 63 RUTH ST
Housing, Other (Charitable Org.) - 67 RUTH ST
Housing, Other (Charitable Org.) - 70 RUTH ST
Apartments With Four To Eight Units - 71 RUTH ST
Apartments With Four To Eight Units - 72 RUTH ST
Three-Family Residential - 82 RUTH ST
Apartments With Four To Eight Units - 83 RUTH ST
Three-Family Residential - 88 RUTH ST
Apartments With Four To Eight Units - 92 RUTH ST
Single Family Residential - 96 RUTH ST
Two-Family Residential - 99 RUTH ST
Improved, Tax Title/treasurer